Due to the sad demise of our beloved Dr.Shekhar Agarwal, his dedicated team of surgeons will be available for all your needs, please click on the below surgeon links to book an appointment with them
Before surgery your surgeon will like to ensure that your condition iswell enough to undergo this operation. He will also like to excludecertain conditions likely to affect this surgery.
Being overweight, smoking and consuming alcohol in largequantities will affect the outcome of your surgery.
Inform your doctor about any focus of infection e.g. dental, throat,boil/furuncule (skin infection), urinary tract infection etc. They mustbe treated before you can be taken for this surgery.
Blood requirement will be determined as per your haemoglobin levelbefore operation. Blood transfusion is not usually required forPrimary Total Hip Replacement. However upto 3-4 units of bloodmay be required for revision surgery.
Inform your doctor about anti-rheumatoid medicines, painkillers etc.before the operation as some of them may need to be stopped orchanged.
Commit to the success of this surgery. Accept its limitations.
Artificial hip joint is a good hip joint but not a normal one. Thesuccessful outcome of this surgery with newer long lasting durablematerial and standardized techniques is excellent. Over the yearsremarkable advances have been made in joint replacementtechnology to improve their durability. 90-95% hip replacements aresuccessful for 15 years. By 10 years approximately 25% of all artificialhips will look loose on X-rays, but only few of these will be thesymptomatic enough to require revision. Obesity, heavy labour jobsand very strenuous activity can affect the longevity of the artificial hipjoints.
In this the entire operation of hip implantation is done with skinincision size of 10 cm or less. The hip joint is approached throughinter muscular intervals. The advantage is early recovery and lesspain. This approach is done in selected patients. Though the skinincision is small but inside operation is exactly the same as in anyother approach.
Anaesthesia related complications: they are same as in any other major surgery.
Any major surgery related complications: they are blood clots in the leg ( deep vein thrombosis), or in the lung (pulmonary embolism) etc.
Total hip surgery related complications: they are less common. Some of these cases may even require a revision surgery. Some of these complications are: Dislocation of the artificial hip joint: Incidence of this complication is low and most of them normally require closed reduction and splinting. But if the artificial joint dislocates repeatedly, then a revision surgery may by required. Infection : it is the most significant complication in the artificial hip joint. However, the incidence of serious hip joint infection is very low ( lessthan 1%) . Most of these infections (superficial or deep) respond favorably to antibiotics, but if the discharge continues, then one may require removal of artificial hip joint for the control of infection. Minor leg length difference Stiffness
The major long- term problem is loosening of the hip joint prosthesis. The other long- term complication is wearing of the plastic cup.
Fracture neck of femur in Surface Hip Replacements, especially in 1st 6 months after surgery.