DEC, 2014 :Total Knee Replacement:
Raj Rani 72 years lady suffering from pain in the both knees from last 10 yrs with severe limitations of activities . She was almost bedridden for the last 2 yrs. She was found to be having osteoarthritis of the both knees resulting in Severe Varus deformity with bone loss. The experience of surgeons in treating this kind of deformity is limited. Large volume centres like Delhi Institute of Trauma and Orthopaedics (DITO) at Sant Parmanand Hospital get lot of patients with these deformities. Surgeons should always keep special constrained implants in these cases. We also keep such special implants (LCCK) at our disposal. On the left side we used LCCK with wedge augment and the right side we built up the tibial condyle with bone from distal femur cut and then used LCCK with wedge augment . Patient is doing well in the recovery period.
Best Knee Replacement
Total Knee Replacement
61 years female. Rheumatoid. Bilateral Total Knee Replacement 4 yrs ago. Fell down 6 months post surgery and injured left knee. Since then global instability in left knee and inability to walk. X-ray left knee AP and lateral shows
with fixed implant. Revision Total Knee Replacement(TKR) done with RHK (Rotating Hinge Knee) to substitute for deficient collateral ligaments. Post op X-ray shows good alignment with well fixed component . Patient is comfortable and walking pain free with full weight bearing.
Total Femur Replacement with constrained Hip and Knee done
84 years old lady presented to us with pain in the right thigh and difficulty in walking . She is a operated case of revision Total Knee Replacement(TKR) with allografting (revised 5 times earlier) . Preoperative Radio-graphs shows loosening of the femoral stem. Total Femur Replacement with constrained Hip and Knee done (Tibial Component not revised).
Complex Valgus Knee
This patient , a 69 years old female from Tibet presented to us with complains of pain and deformities of both knees with difficulty in walking. She had a history suggestive of septic arthritis of left knee for which she was primarily managed in her own country with debridement in 2011. Now she has wind swept deformity of both knees with Grade 3 valgus deformity of left knee, with significant instability. She has undergone left Total Knee Replacement at our center using LCCK knee. After the surgery, the deformity of left knee has been corrected and she has regained full and stable range of movement of left knee. She has been discharged and walking comfortable.
Revision Total Knee Replacement facebook case
April-2014 :
Revision Total Knee Replacement Facebook case 87 year old gentleman had undergone Total Knee Replacement for both knees 14 years back. Subsequently a revision Total Knee Replacement had been done on right side in 2004 for loose implants.
Now he has presented to us with complains of abnormal mobility of left knee with inability to bear weight on left leg and difficulty in walking. Fresh radiographs and examination were suggestive of loose implants of left Total Knee Replacement(TKR) with bone loss of distal femur. He has been operated for implant removal and revision total knee replacement of left side using stem and wedges for both tibia and femur and trabecular metal block for reconstruction of femoral defect along with LCCK implant. He has been discharged and regained a good pain free and stable range of motion at his left knee. He is also able to walk comfortably