Bilateral Total Hip Replacement

52 years old gentleman presented to us with pain in both hips and difficulty in walking.. On examination he had gross restriction of movements of both hips and was unable to walk without support.

After Radiographic  examination x- rays  show bilateral AVN of both hip joints.

He had undergone uncemented Total Hip Replacement for both hips (same stage).  He is walking comfortably with the walker.


Re-Revision Total Hip Replacement

71 years old female presented to us with recurrent dislocation of right hip following right Total Hip Replacement for fracture Neck of femur in 2009. Patient underwent closed reduction successfully but again dislocated for which acetabular cup was revised in Oct 2018. Despite of that patient dislocated again.
Management of recurrent dislocation after total hip replacement is challenging due to high incidence of redislocation
We did Re- Revision Total Hip replacement with filling of the acetabulr defect with trabecular metal cup and we used burch Schneider cage and cemented cup. Stem was not revised. Postoperatively patient is comfortable and walking with the help of walker.


Total Hip Replacement  in  Post Acatabulum Fracture Fixation

56  years old gentleman, known case of parkinsonism is a follow up case of anterior column plus posterior wall fixation for fracture left acetabulum presented to us with complaints of severe pain in left hip with difficulty in walking and managing routine activities.

After proper evaluation patient was counselled to undergo Left Total Hip Replacement . THR in post acetablular fracture fixation is a bit challenging and require special expertise.

Patient was mobilised the next day with walker and is comfortable and pain free.


Total Hip Replacement – Girdlestone

81  year old gentleman  presented with pain in right hip and complaints of inability to walk since last 2 yrs. Patient had a history of fracture neck of femur for which THR was done which subsequently got infected and complete implant removal was done 2 yrs back. This procedure is called girdlestone.

Patient now presents with pain in right hip and is bedridden. This is a challenging surgery as complete anatomy of hip is distorted and requires expertise. After proper counselling he underwent right total hip replacement and is mobilized independently as early as possible.



Dysplastic Hip – Right Total Hip Replacement

A 41 years old gentleman presented with pain in the right hip and shortening of right leg by  10 cm. His problem started when he was 10 years of age. Since then the pain in his right hip has been increasing. He was able to manage to walk with a stick till 6 moths back. For the last 6 months he has almost bedridden because of pain. His surgery was a big challenge because it required us to correct 10 cm of shortening with one surgery.

After proper counselling he underwent right total hip replacement. His length has been almost corrected. He is walking without pain.
