65 years old lady is a known rheumatoid arthritis patient. She had fracture of the left hip bone and was treated by partial hip replacement 8 years back. She was walking well till early this year when she started having pain in her operated hip. The pain almost made her bed ridden. The x- rays suggested that the operated hip side needed revision .
She underwent a revision surgery using state of the art wagner system from Zimmer. She started to sit up and move with support very soon after surgery. At present she is recovering well at her home.
Case of The Week
Primary Complex Total Hip Replacement – 64 year old lady
64 year old lady came with the complaint of pain in left hip and difficulty in walking since 1 year. History of fracture neck of femur and ipsilateral subtrochanteric fracture femur 1 year back, fixed with cyrus nail . Post operative period was uneventful. Currently patient ambulate with walker. Patient is a Know case of hypertension and rheumatoid arthritis.
x-ray showed non union fracture neck of femur with implant failure.
We took challenge of giving her mobile hip again and operated on left hip with implant removal and total hip replacement. Post operatively patient is comfortable and walking with walker.
Primary Complex Knee Bilateral Total Replacement ( Stress Fracture)
65 years old female presented to us with complains of pain and deformities of both knees. She had severe varus deformity of both knees with significant instability. She also had a stress fracture right distal femur.
We did Bilateral Total Knee Replacement with left side require Conventional Total Knee Implant whereas right side requires LCCK implant with long femoral stem to bypass the fracture site. After the surgery, the deformity of both the knees has been corrected and she has regained full and stable range of movement. She is walking comfortably.
Total Elbow Replacement : 51 years old lady presented with a painful and stiff elbow for 1 year
Revision Total Knee Replacement
68 year old lady presented to us with infection of left side knee which underwent Total Knee Replacement
She was in severe pain and was unable to bear weight on left side lower limb.
Managing Infected Total Knee Replacement is a challenge and very few centres in India are managing these cases. We at our centre follow 2 stage protocol for treatment of these case. In 1st stage the implants are removed and thorough debridement is done to clear of all the infection and antibiotic spacer are put for 3 months to clear the residual infection.
In 2nd Stage the antibiotic spacer are removed and revision Total Knee Implants are put. Patient can walk from 2nd post op day after this surgery.
After surgery our patient is comfortable and walking independently. There are no signs of residual infection.